
回答 68 ~ 71 题: D Liverpool, my hometown, is a unique city.It is so unique that in 2004 it became a World Heritage(遗产)Site.

I recently returned to my home city and my first stop was at a museum on the River Mersey.Blanketed in mist(薄雾),Victorian architecture rose from the banks of the river, responded to the sounds of sea-birds, and appeared unbelievably charming.When I headed toward the centre, I found myself surrounded by buildings that mirror the best palaces of Europe.It is not hard to imagine why, on first seeing the city, most visitors would be overpowered by the beauty of the noble buildings, which are solid signs of Liverpool’s history.

A.s if to stress its cultural role, Liverpool has more museums and galleries(美术馆)than most cities in Britain. At Walker Art Gallery, I was told that it has the best collections of Victorian paintings in the world, and is the home of modern art in the north of England. However, culture is more than galleries. Liverpool offers many music events. As Britain’s No.1 music city, it has the biggest city music festival in Europe, and its musicians are famous all over the world.Liverpool is also well-known for its football and other sports events. Every year, the Mersey River Festival attracts thousands of visitors, making the city a place of wonder.

A.s you would expect from such a city, there are restaurants serving food from around the world. When my trip was about to complete, I chose to rest my legs in Liverpool’s famous Philharmonic pub(酒馆). It is a monument to perfection, and a heritage attraction itself.

B.eing a World Heritage Site , my home city is certainly a place of “outstanding universal value.It is a treasure nouse with plenty of secrets for the world to explore.

第13题:Visitors who see the city for the first time would be deeply impressed by________

A. its charming banks

B. its famous museums

C. its wonderful palaces

D. its attractive buildings



My hometown is no longer the place _____

[单选题]My hometown is no longer the place ______it used to be.A. whatB. whereC. whichD. that

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  • DLiverpool, my hometown, is a unique cit

    [单选题]D.Liverpool, my hometown, is a unique city. It is so unique that in 2004 it became a World Heritage (遗产) Site.I recently returned to my home city and my first stop was at a museum on the River Mersey. Blanketed in mist (薄雾), Victorian architecture ro

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  • 回答 68 ~ 71 题: D Liverpool, my hometown,