
[A] other [B] simply [C] rather [D] all



[A] other than [B] rather than [C] more

[单选题][A] other than [B] rather than [C] more than [D] or rather

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  • A better than B other than C rather than

    [单选题]A. better than B other than C rather than D sooner than

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  • A) better than B) other than C) rather t

    [单选题]A.) better thanB.) other thanC.) rather thanD.) sooner than

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  • A or B but rather C but D or else

    [单选题]A. orB. but ratherC. butD. or else

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  • A) second B) latter C) other D) next

    [单选题]A.) secondB.) latterC.) otherD.) next

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  • All the other five planets ________. [A]

    [单选题]A.ll the other five planets ________.[A] always appear near the path of the sun[B] are moving in a way more complicated than the earth does[C] aren't moving around the sun as independently as the earth does[D] are moving around the sun at the same s

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  • If all other conditions such as bore, st

    [单选题]If all other conditions such as bore, stroke, speed, and mean effective pressures are equal, a two stroke/cycle diesel engine will develop approximatelyA.the same indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engineB.twice the indicated horsepower as a

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  • England is a rather short ________ of farming land, so it is absolutely dependent upon other countri

    [单选题]England is a rather short ________ of farming land, so it is absolutely dep

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  • [A] in all [B] fewer than [C] at most [D

    [单选题][A] in all [B] fewer than [C] at most [D] up to

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  • A) due to B ) apt for C) all but D) prio

    [单选题]A.) due toB. ) apt forC.) all butD.) prior to

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  • [A] other [B] simply [C] rather [D] all