
阅读下面的短文,回答问题 [When an IP packet arrives at a router, generally the router looks at the destination address of the packet, and forwards the packet to one of its network interfaces. The forwarding decision is usually done by looking up the destination address from another data structure called a forwarding table. The forwarding table is created by the router using the routing table and possible routing policies existing in the router. The router then creates a table where it lists which networks are accessible through which of the router’s network interfaces. An IP router looks at every IP packet individually and does the forwarding decision on a packet-by-packet basis. If something changes in the router’s routing table, a packet can take a different route from a preceding packet even if it has the same destination.] From the paragraph above,we can see that the router ( ) a forwarding table according to the routing table and possible routing policies existing in the router. When an IP packet arrives at a router, the ( ) part of packet is normally checked by the router. An IP router checks every IP Packet individually and makes the forwarding decision based on ( ).

A.is generating


C.is generated


A.forwarding table

B.network interfaces

C.routing policies

D.destination address

A.the destination address and network interfaces

B.forwarding table and network interfaces

C.the destination address and forward table

D.routing policies and routing table



[When an IP packet arrives at a router,generally the router looks at the destinationaddress of the p

[单选题][When an IP packet arrives at a router,generally the router looks at the de

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  • [When an IP packet arrives at a router,generally the router looks at the destinationaddress of the p

    [单选题][When an IP packet arrives at a router,generally the router looks at the de

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  • [When an IP packet arrives at a router,generally the router looks at the destinationaddress of the p

    [单选题][When an IP packet arrives at a router,generally the router looks at the de

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  • 阅读下面的短文,回答问题 [When an IP packet arrives