
The firewall device is a(75)system for connecting a computer network to other computer network.








The firewall device is a()system for con

[单选题]The firewall device is a( )system for connecting a computer network to other computer network.A.hardwareB.softwareC.securityD.I/O

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  • A firewall is a (71) system designed to

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  • A firewall is a (68) system designed to

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  • A firewall is a(1)system designed to(2)a

    [单选题]A. firewall is a(1)system designed to(2)an organization's network against threats.A.operatingB.programmingC.securityD.service

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  • A firewall is a(68)system designed to(69

    [单选题]A. firewall is a(68)system designed to(69)all organization, s network against threats.A.operatingB.programmingC.securityD.service

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  • A (75) system placed between the compa

    [单选题] A (75) system placed between the company network and the outside world may limit outside access to the internal network.(75)A. firewallB. modemC. gatewayD. key

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  • The firewall device is a(75)system for