
[A] in all [B] fewer than [C] at most [D] up to



A deeper B fewer C nearer D smaller

[单选题]A. deeperB. fewerC. nearerD. smaller

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  • [A]that [B]which [C]than [D]as

    [单选题][A] that [B] which [C] than [D] as

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  • A than B that C which D as

    [单选题]A. thanB. thatC. whichD. as

  • 查看答案
  • Fewer high school students are smoking now than a few years ago.

    [问答题]Fewer high school students are smoking now than a few years ago.

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  • A better than B other than C rather than

    [单选题]A. better than B other than C rather than D sooner than

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  • [A] other [B] simply [C] rather [D] all

    [单选题][A] other [B] simply [C] rather [D] all

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  • A) due to B ) apt for C) all but D) prio

    [单选题]A.) due toB. ) apt forC.) all butD.) prior to

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  • A) all B) partly C) seldom D) often

    [单选题]A.) allB.) partlyC.) seldomD.) often

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  • A) many B) several C) some D) most

    [单选题]A.) manyB.) severalC.) someD.) most

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  • [A] sound [B] all£­round [C] entire[D] w

    [单选题][A] sound[B] all-round[C] entire[D] whole

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  • [A] in all [B] fewer than [C] at most [D