
Passage Five

C.irque du Soleil (say it: Serk du So-lay) is being accused of out-dated thinking about the dangers of AIDS. It is a modem acrobatic circus from Canada that tours in the United States and other countries.

Last April, the company fired Matthew Cusick because he was HIV positive. This was after he spent four months learning his part in an act.

A. spokesman for the circus said Cusick was fired for safety reasons. They said he was a danger to others.

H.e disagreed.

H.undreds of people picketed a show in San Francisco. They said that firing him was not legal.

C.usick says the company knew he was HIV positive when they hired him. It was not fair to let him put so much time into learning his act, and then fire him before he performed.

H.e says he is not a danger to others. People can only get AIDS if infected blood contacts another person's blood, or open wound.

The company says what their acrobats do is very, very dangerous. They perform. tricks without nets. Someone might fall and get hurt, It could be bloody. They say it is too risky to let a person with HIV take part in an act.

People who run the circus say it hurts to be accused of discrimination.

Matthew Cusick says he feels hurt that he can't perform. in the big blue and yellow tent.

D.ozens of artists, actors, writers and entertainers got involved in protesting the firing of Matthew Cusick. Some names you might know are: the Actors' Equity Union (45,000 members), Rosie O'Donnell, Rod McKuen, and Chad Allen. They also protested at a showing in Orange County. They said "HIV discrimination is unacceptable."

52. Matthew Cusick______.

A. believes he was fired illegally

B. says he was not H1V positive

C. understands why he had to be fired

D. lives in San Francisco



Cirque du Soleil officials said their to

[单选题]C.irque du Soleil officials said their top concern was______.A. regulations against job discriminationB. the safety of other performers and the audiencesC. doing the right thingD. making a lot of money

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