



经济利润(Economic profit)

[名词解释] 经济利润(Economic profit)

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  • 预期利润(Expected profit)

    [名词解释] 预期利润(Expected profit)

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  • Zero£­profit£­point 零利润点

    [主观题]Zero-profit-point 零利润点

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  • Zero-profit-point 零利润点

    [名词解释] Zero-profit-point 零利润点

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  • 利润分配表(Income Statementand Profit Appropr

    [名词解释] 利润分配表(Income Statementand Profit Appropriation)ISPA

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  • The profit£­sharing plan is designed to_

    [单选题]The profit-sharing plan is designed to______the staff to work hard.A.calculateB.demonstrateC.speculateD.motivate

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  • He spent a______(profit)afternoon in the

    [主观题]H.e spent a______(profit)afternoon in the library.

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  • Since the bosses cannot do ______profit,

    [单选题]Since the bosses cannot do ______profit, workers have an edge.A. withB. forC. butD. without

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  • 10 What would the company’s profit becom

    [单选题]10 What would the company’s profit become after the correction of the above errors?A. $634,760B. $624,760C. $624,440D. $625,240

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  • [A] profit[B] benefit[C] success[D] welf

    [单选题][A] profit[B] benefit[C] success[D] welfare

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  • 利润(Profit)