
预期利润(Expected profit)




[名词解释] 利润(Profit)

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  • 经济利润(Economic profit)

    [名词解释] 经济利润(Economic profit)

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    [问答题]The teacher came earlier than expected(预期).

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  • Zero-profit-point 零利润点

    [名词解释] Zero-profit-point 零利润点

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  • 预期利润(Expectedprofit)

    [名词解释] 预期利润(Expectedprofit)

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  • A __________ to this problem is expected


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  • A __________ to this problem is expected

    [单选题]A __________ to this problem is expected 怎么选择A.__________tothisproblemisexpectedtobefoundbeforelong.A.)resultB)responseC)settlementD)solution

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  • 预期利润(Expected profit)