
机遇结点(chance point)



下列关于MTP2终结点(Termination Point)的描述哪个(些)是正

[多选题] 下列关于MTP2终结点(Termination Point)的描述哪个(些)是正确的?()A . Mtp2TpItu用于定义MGW至BSC信令的MTP2层,Mtp2TpChina用于定义MGW至其他MSC/GMSC/TMSC或PSTN信令的MTP2层B . 每块GPB3、GPB4和GPB5主处理器板上最多定义32个MTP2终结点C . 在MGWBC3024配置中,主处理器模块(CPM,SubrackA.插槽6,7,8,9和媒体流处理模块(MWM,Subrack2~E.插槽2,3上的GPB板可以

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  • Chance骨折

    [名词解释] Chance骨折

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  • _________[A] by chance [B] in contrast [

    [单选题]_________[A] by chance [B] in contrast [C] as usual [D] for instance

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  • According to the passage, chance_____.

    [单选题]A.ccording to the passage, chance_____.A. involves Julies in a murderB. sends Romeo and Juliet into evil-doingC. causes late arrival of a message for RomeoD. leads to a happy meeting between Romeo and Juliet

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  • 硬下疳(hunterian chance)

    [名词解释] 硬下疳(hunterian chance)

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  • In the WAN,when a point£­to£­point subn

    [单选题]In the WAN,when a point-to-point subnet is used,an important design issue is the roucer interconnection (74) .(74) A.topologyB.computerC.serviceD.lines

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  • In the WAN, when a point£­to£­point subn

    [单选题]In the WAN, when a point-to-point subnet is used, an important design issue is the roucer interconnection(74).A.topologyB.computerC.serviceD.lines

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  • Chance骨折是指胸腰椎()

    [单选题,A2型题,A1/A2型题] Chance骨折是指胸腰椎()A . 单纯性压缩骨折B . 骨折--脱位C . 屈曲--牵拉性损伤D . 稳定性爆破型骨折E . 水平状撕裂性损伤

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  • 胸腰椎Chance骨折是指()

    [单选题,A2型题,A1/A2型题] 胸腰椎Chance骨折是指()A . 不稳定性爆裂性骨折B . 脊柱屈曲牵拉性损伤C . 椎体水平状撕裂性损伤D . 单纯性楔形压缩性骨折E . 稳定性爆裂性骨折

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  • 有关PPTP(Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol)说法

    [单选题]有关PPTP(Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol)说法正确的是()A . PPTP是Netscape提出的。B . 微软从NT3.5以后对PPTP开始支持。C . PPTP可用在微软的路由和远程访问服务上。D . 它是传输层上的协议。

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  • 机遇结点(chance point)