
B.ob: If I win the lottery, Fm going to buy a big house.

Mary: ______



I was just going to cut my rose bushes b

[单选题]I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone it. Was it you?A. has doneB. had doneC. would doD. will do

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  • Henry: Well, I arranged with Bob and Chr

    [单选题]H.enry: Well, I arranged with Bob and Chris to meet me here for a drink, but __________Tom: They are probably held up by the traffic.A. I wonder what it is.B. they came late.C. neither of them has turned up.D. you can never tell.

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  • I am going to ________ the meal, I insist.

    [单选题]I am going to ________ the meal, I insist.A.pay B.pay for C.pay about D.pay

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  • I’m ___ enough to know it is going to be


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  • I’m ___ enough to know it is going to ?


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  • I’m ___ enough to know it is going to be


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  • I must be going now.- _________

    [单选题]I must be going now.- _________A.So soon! I hope you've enjoyed it.B.Have a

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  • I’ve already told you that I’m going to


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  • –What do you think of teaching, Bob?–I f

    [单选题]–What do you think of teaching, Bob?–I find it fun and challenging. It is a job ___ you are doing something serious but interesting.A. whereB. Which C. When D. that

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  • 32. —Shall I tell Bob the news?—No,you _

    [单选题]32. —Shall I tell Bob the news?—No,you _________.I've told him already.A. shouldn’tB. wouldn’tC. mustn’tD. needn't

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  • Bob: If I win the lottery, Fm going to b