
Sequential circuit is a common logic device whose output values, at a given instant, depend upon its input values and the internal state at that instant, and whose internal state depends upon the(66)preceding input values and the preceding internal state. A sequential circuit can assume a finite number of internal states and may therefore be regarded, from an abstract(67), as a finite(68).Combinational circuit is another logic device whose output values, at any given instant, depend upon the input values at that instant. A combinational circuit is a(69)of a sequential circuit whose internal state is not taken(70).








[单选题]对于命令mdadm-A、/dev/md0/dev/sdd1/dev/sdc1,描述正确的是()A .添加sdd1和sdc1到md0中B .将sdd1和sdc1自阵列md0中移除C .激活了含有sdc1和sdd1的陈列设备md0D .以上说法均错

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  • Sequential circuit is a common logic dev