
Traditional structured analysis techniques focus upon the flow of(71)within a system. Object - oriented analysis emphasizes the building of real - world models. It examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the(72)domain.

Traditional system design method emphasizes the proper and effective structure of a complex system. Object -oriented design method encompasses the process of object -oriented decomposition and a(73)for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic models of the system under design.

Object - oriented programming is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an(74)of some class, and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via(75)relationships.







Traditional structured analysis techniqu

[单选题]Traditional structured analysis techniques focus upon the flow of(1)within a system. Object-oriented analysis emphasizes the building of real-world models, It examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabula

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  • Traditional structured analysis techniq

    [单选题]Traditional structured analysis techniques focus upon the flow of(71)within a system Object-oriented analysis emphasizes the building of real-world models It examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabul

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  • 结构化分析 (Structured Analysis,简称 SA)是面向数据

    [单选题] 结构化分析 (Structured Analysis,简称 SA)是面向数据流的需求分析方法,(26)不属于 SA工具。(26)A.分层的数据流图B.数据词典C.问题分析图D.描述加工逻辑的结构化语言、判定表或判定树

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  • 结构化分析 (Structured Analysis,简称SA)是面向数据流

    [单选题] 结构化分析 (Structured Analysis,简称SA)是面向数据流的需求分析方法,()不属于SA工具。()A.分层的数据流图 B.数据词典C.问题分析图 D.描述加工逻辑的结构化语言、判定表或判定树

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  • 结构化分析(Structured Analysis,简称SA)是面向数据流的需求

    [单选题]结构化分析(Structured Analysis,简称SA)是面向数据流的需求分析方法,(26)不属于SA工具。A.分层的数据流图B.数据词典C.问题分析图D.描述加工逻辑的结构化语言、判定表或判定树

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  • 结构化分析(Structured Analysis)方法简称SA方法,它是一种面

    [单选题]结构化分析(Structured Analysis)方法简称SA方法,它是一种面向数据流的需求分析方法,适用于分析大型数据处理系统。SA方法的基本思想是(16)。A.自顶向下逐层分解B.自下向上逐层构架C.先自顶向下分解,然后自下向上构架D.先全面数据抽象,然后模块化

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  • 结构化分析(Structured Analysis, SA)是面向数据流的需求分

    [单选题]结构化分析(Structured Analysis, SA)是面向数据流的需求分析方法,______不属于SA工具。A.分层的数据流图B.数据词典C.问题分析图D.描述加工逻辑的结构化语言、判定表或判定树A.B.C.D.

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  • Routing.protocols use different techniqu

    [单选题]Routing.protocols use different techniques for assigning(S1)to individual networks.Further,each routing protocol forms a metric aggregation in a different.way.Most routing protocolscan use muh.iple paths if the paths have an equal(S2).Some routing pr

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  • (75) Development is a structured desig

    [单选题] (75) Development is a structured design methodology that proceeds in a sequence from one phase to the next.(75)A. WaterfallB. PhasedC. PrototypingD. Parallel

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  • Development is a structured design metho

    [单选题]D.evelopment is a structured design methodology that proceeds in a sequence from one phase to the next.A.WaterfallB.PhasedC.PrototypingD.Parallel

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  • Traditional structured analysis techniqu