A .What’s the price of the basket?
B .Can you come down a bit?
C .How much is the large size?
D .Could I be of service to you?
[单选题]选出招呼顾客用的句子:()。A .Do you sell orchid?B .Anything I can do for you?C .Let me look at the vases.D .I’d like a dozen nice Roses.
[单选题]选出不是招呼顾客的句子。()。A .May I help you?B .Do you want to buy something here?C .How much is the large size?D .Could I be of service to you?
[单选题]选出顾客回答店主打招呼的句子()A .goodmorning,sir,canIhelpyou?B .anythingIcandoforyou?C .mayIhelpyou?D .doyousllorchil
[单选题]选出不是顾客讨价的句子:()。A .Could you come down a bit?B .I can give you no more then 30 dollars. Can you sell it for that?C .How much is the large size?D .That sounds reasonable. But could you give me a 10% discount?
[单选题]员工应主动()招呼顾客,欢迎顾客光临。A .跑动B .友善C .兴奋D .精神饱满
[单选题]选出下面句子中没有歧义的句子( )。A. 自我介绍一下,我已经有女朋友了,在学校教书B. 一个负责的人总是令人信赖的C. 由于父子俩的相互支持,他完成了一项发明D.我不记得有人借了我资料
[单选题]请选出有歧义的句子( )。A.在大多数人眼里,他是一无所有的B.去趟西安,他就买了三件礼品回来C.成功是赢得了整场战争,而不是赢得每一场战斗D.他叔父原来在上海一所不错的中学里当数学教师
[单选题]选出没有歧义的句子( )。A.没有人相信他的话B.我和小王已经商量好了,下了课去打球C.最后出席会议的教授的弟子作了精彩的发言D.我们需要相信自己人