• 计算机专业英语题库


[单选题]Software()focusesonthreeattributesoftheprogram:softwarearchitecture,datastructure,andproceduraldetail.A . analysisB . designC . installationD . upgrade

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  • The()schemeinadatabasesystemisresponsibl

    [单选题]The()schemeinadatabasesystemisresponsibleforthedetectionoffailuresandfortherestorationofthedatabasetoastatethatexistedbeforetheoccurrenceofthefailure.A . queryB . testC . checkD . recovery

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  • 下列关于畸胎瘤好发于骶尾部的叙述,正确的为()

    [单选题]下列关于畸胎瘤好发于骶尾部的叙述,正确的为()A .骶尾部为原始性腺发生部位B .骶尾部为胎儿最低位C .骶尾部常受磨损易恶变D .骶尾部含有神经嵴细胞E .骶尾部多能性细胞集中

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  • Software()referstothatthesoftwaretomeett

    [单选题]Software()referstothatthesoftwaretomeetthespecificationmustbeproduced.A . testB . supportC . developmentD . process

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  • ()hasbecomeafactofmodemlife,withmillions

    [单选题]()hasbecomeafactofmodemlife,withmillionsofpeoplenowshoppingon-line.A . E-mailB . E-commerceC . E-IearningD . E-communication

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  • 吊环属于()零件。

    [单选题]吊环属于()零件。A .连接B .定位C .悬吊D .支撑

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  • 关于股疝,下列哪项是错误的()

    [单选题]关于股疝,下列哪项是错误的()A . 股管内缘为陷窝韧带B . 股管上口为股环;下口为卵圆窝C . 股管后缘为耻骨梳韧带D . 股管前缘为腹股沟韧带E . 股管外缘为股动脉

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  • C++fullysupports()programming,includingt

    [单选题]C++fullysupports()programming,includingthefourproperties:encapsulation,datahiding,inheritance,andpolymorphism.A . computer-orientedB . procedure-orientedC . object-orientedD . aspect-oriented

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  • ()meansthataprogramwrittenforonecomputer

    [单选题]()meansthataprogramwrittenforonecomputersystemcanbecompiledandrunonanothersystemwithlittleornomodification.A . PortabilityB . ReliabilityC . AvailabilityD . Reusability

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  • TCP/IP()arethestandardsaroundwhichtheInt

    [单选题]TCP/IP()arethestandardsaroundwhichtheInternetwasdeveloped.A . protocolsB . agreementsC . conventionsD . coordination

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  • Thedata()includesthefunctionofupdatingda

    [单选题]Thedata()includesthefunctionofupdatingdataonadatabase,andretrievingdatafromadatabase.A . managementB . storageC . analysisD . communication

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  • Dataitemsareaddedordeletedfromthelistonl

    [单选题]Dataitemsareaddedordeletedfromthelistonlyatthetopofthe().A . queueB . stackC . treeD . linearlist

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  • Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline

    [单选题,案例分析题] Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of sofiware development with (1) of simplicity,communication, feedback and cuurage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of cu

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  • Ravi, like many project (1) , had studie

    [单选题,案例分析题] Ravi, like many project (1) , had studied the waterfall model of software development as the primary software life-cycle (2) . He has all set to use it for an upcoming project, his first assignment. However, Ravi found that the waterfall model

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  • An internet is a combination of networks

    [单选题,共用题干题] An internet is a combination of networks connected by (1). When a datagram goes from a source to a (2), it will probably pass many (3) until it reaches the router attached to the destination network. A router receives a (4) from a network and

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  • For (1) service, we need a virtual-circu

    [单选题,共用题干题] For (1) service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. Let us see how that works. The idea behind virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose a new (2) for every packet sent. Instead,when a connection is established, a route from the(3) machine

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  • A transport layer protocol has several r

    [单选题,共用题干题] A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities, One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (1) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a (2) an

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  • Both bus and tree topologies are charact

    [单选题,共用题干题] Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of multipoint (1).For the bus, all stations attach, through appropriate hardware (2) known as a tap, directly to a linear transmission medium, or bus. Full-duplex operation between the

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